May 20, 2011

Contemplative Platform Games

Stepping aside from kill-em-all type console games, I would like to review an amazing flash genre that I have found recently. I dub it “contemplative platformers,” because they always force me to keep my mind open and think.
One of these games is called “The Company of Myself,” and I strongly encourage anyone with a spare hour to try it out. The compelling storyline, along with the simple and creative gameplay and music tracks made this one game that had me absolutely hooked. This is a sort of “Chronotron” meets Harry Potter’s Sirius Black. The black-hatted protagonist has a loving but tormented soul, and he is unable to escape the traps that lay in his own mind. The game is so depressing at the climax, but the story invites you to immerse yourself in it.
Another beautiful flash platformer that everyone should play is “Loved.” It begins confusingly, and kind of throws you into the plot headfirst, but as you get oriented, you must make choices that may or may not be right. If you obey, all becomes simpler and easier. If you do not, the world blooms into color, but the game becomes difficult. At first, it seems like a simple flash platformer, but later on, the guiding voice takes on a somewhat more wistful yet sinister tone. This is another game that kept me thinking about the meaning of my short existence in this world.

However, if all of that did not persuade you to try this kind of game, at least give it a shot because neither game is very long, and they are playable for free. It costs neither your time nor money.

The Company of Myself on Kongregate, and Armor Games.
Loved on Kongregate, and Armor Games.

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